Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Family, Springfield, IL 2-22-2009

We arrived in Springfield, Illinois ahead of schedule. A fierce storm was heading towards northern Florida so we decided to pack up and leave before it hit. We got out about 8 hours ahead of it.

Four years ago we camped on Long Key in Florida and got caught in the outer bands of Hurricane Jeanne. We closed up the trailer while it was damp and it took a long time to rid the trailer of the mildew that resulted. I do not want to chance that happening again, so we try to close down camp on a sunny day.
We have visited family for five days, spending time with our daughter, Amanda, and her husband and our son, Bryon, and his four sons. We have had a nice time, especially Saturday, when we attended a Trivia Night at the Elks Club and won Second Place, splitting $100. Trivia Nights are a favorite midwestern past time and we enjoyed ourselves.

We had thought we would stay longer, but everyone has jobs, and schedules and obligations and we hate to impose for too long, so we decided to get on the road again. On the next leg of our trip we will travel through the Missouri Ozarks, Oklahoma and on to Dallas to visit a daughter and her family.

We like the Midwest, but it is, as I have noted before, very cold. Tonight it is 15 degrees. I can understand why the snowbirds came to Florida in December and stayed until April. If I were a full time resident here, I don't think that even the poor economy could keep me from leaving for the winter. The older you get the harder it is to bear the cold weather.
So, tomorrow morning we resume our life on the road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"a daughter"?? just some random daughter?