Kai turns four this month. To celebrate, we went to a local children's activity spot and he and his brother, Levi, played very hard for two hours while we adults sat in the sea of frantic, over-stimulat
ed children.
They had a great time, of course. I wonder if there have ever been any children that have been catered to the way we Americans cater to our children? Imagine an entire business built on an indoor fantasy world, with bounce houses, slides, miniature roller coasters, and periodic visits by Disney-Like characters (The Wiggles). Who needs Disney World?
Everywhere we go, in the grocery lines, in retail stores, people mention the state of the economy to one another. It is almost like the period right after 9-11 when Americans would quietly mention something about security to one another, or would meet each other's eyes on an airplane, or assure the security people before check in that you are not offended by them searching your bags.
It is like we are all waiting for something horrible to happen. We don't know what it is, but we all know it is coming.
I stopped in a Half-Price Book Store yesterday. It was packed with customers selling their books and buying more. The check out line was long and the woman behind me said, " I guess this is a good business to have in this economy."
I answered, "perhaps when people cannot afford to do anything else, they read." Two strangers, trying to assure ourselves that the horrible event was still some time in the future. After all, people still had money for books. At least half-price books.
Dallas is full of McMansions. The economy seems to be doing better here in Texas than it is in Florida. But, on a main boulevard a large, beautiful home had a FORECLOSURE sign in the front yard, the newest built houses have FOR SALE OR LEASE signs and recent commercial developments sit empty. Coming from Florida, I recognize the signs of an economic downturn.
This weekend we head for San Angelo where we expect to spend just a day or two. We love to visit family but look forward to getting on the road once again.